Fat Grafting

Fat Grafting in McLean, Virginia

Fat grafting, also called fat injections or fat transfer, is a surgical process done in conjunction with liposuction in order to redirect unwanted fat to a desirable area, such as the face, buttocks, and breasts.

From rejuvenation to enhancing the size and shape of an area, fat grafting has many benefits.

Why Choose Fat Grafting?

Many patients prefer fat grafting instead of dermal fillers or other options because it lasts indefinitely and offers a very natural look, enhancing your features and addressing common concerns such as volume loss and wrinkles.

What Does Fat Grafting Feel Like?

Fat grafting may involve two separate procedures, but it’s actually quite streamlined. And, it’s even an outpatient procedure.

Anesthesia is provided during both liposuction and the fat grafting itself, ensuring comfort every step of the way.

When Will I See Fat Grafting Results?

Areas you’ve received fat grafting should appear fuller and softer right away, but bruising and swelling can obstruct evidence of your final results.

Your results are considered final and permanent once your body accepts and absorbs a percentage of fat in the treatment area, usually by 20% to 50%.

Am I a Good Candidate for Fat Grafting?

Even if an outpatient procedure in many cases, fat grafting still requires surgery. This requires you to be in good physical health before you can be considered an ideal candidate.

You should also have realistic expectations about your post-op appearance. Consult with your surgeon to decide if fat grafting is right for you.

Where Is the Best Place to Get Fat Grafting in McLean?

Here at Cohen Clinic for Plastic Surgery, we offer the most customizable, beneficial procedures around!

If you’re interested in a consultation for fat grafting and / or other cosmetic services such as Botox to look your absolute best, contact us today at 703-349-7803.